The course will provide the ultimate guide to public transport planning, operations and policy. The objective of the course is to combine traditional operations and new approaches to service planning and finding solutions to difficult and persistent public transport problems.
This course is provided in association with the Institute of Transport Studies, Monash University, the Transportation Research Centre at the University of Auckland and the Delft University of Technology.
Bluebox Events, as the organizing PCO of the Delft University of Technology for this event, will handle all the (online) payments.
BlueBox Events | Technische Universiteit Delft
P.O. Box 5048 | 2600 GA Delft
Stevinweg 1 | 2628CN Delft
+31 (0)15 278 4915 |
Kamer van Koophandel nummer 64133125 | BTW NL855535489B01
RABOBANK Attn. Stichting BlueboxEvents | IBAN: NL84 RABO 0308860705 | SWIFT/BIC code RABONL2U
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